Wines for Humanity raises funds for charities across the country in order to prevent homelessness in families with children.
We believe that funds raised locally should be applied locally – directly impacting the quality of our Wine Advisors’ neighborhoods nationwide.
We were glad you could be a part of “Taste the West Side” this year and share in the good work that is taking place here… Your wine sampling donation helped the event net just over $17,000, which will provide many opportunities, both in education and employment training for our neighborhood youth. Thank you very much.
Ed Sypniewski
Development Manager
Steepletown Neighborhood Services

Wines for Humanity donates between 9-10.5% of the revenue from the guests’ selection at a regular paid wine Tasting to a local charity that helps people who are behind in rent and utilities in order to prevent homelessness in our communities.
We have raised over $33,560 in the 4th quarter of 2024 from Tastings and an estimated $134,240 from charity certificates. In 17 years, with your help, we have raised over $1,973,638 from Wine Tastings, mostly for the prevention of homelessness for families with children – this also represents almost 14 million meals.
Additionally, an estimated $7,894,612 was donated through certificates to other charities for a total of $9,868,250!
Thank you for your generosity!
Thank you for your generous donation to The Pride Tree for our auction in partnership with Mondays Dark. This was an exciting night for our organization and we were able to raise $10,000. You make our work in our community possible. We love Wines for Humanity!
Ariel Bongard
Director of Fundraising
The Pride Tree Las Vegas

Wines for Humanity donates funds to organizations that provide assistance, by paying rent and utilities to families, to help keep them in their home.
We are unique in that we give right off the top from every Tasting. We return between 9% and 12.5% from the selections made at the Tasting.
From time to time we also run additional, targeted campaigns, highlighting a specific need in communities.
On behalf of everyone at Volunteers of America of Illinois, especially the people whom we serve, I want to thank you for your donation to Veterans we serve. Your generosity will allow us to continue creating positive and lasting change for people of all ages through programs that support, empower and transform and we appreciate you acknowledging the work that we do.
Thank you again for your generosity and continued support.
Nancy Hughes Moyer
President and CEO
Volunteers of America – Illinois

In addition to funds raised at Tastings, Wines for Humanity donates certificates for silent or live auctions. The certificate entitles the winning bidder to a fun and educational two-hour sampling including six exclusive wines from around the world, with the opportunity to continue to donate more funds to that organization through the selection of wines from those in attendance.
Just one more way Wines for Humanity helps the community!